We did have a minor set back that we are going to correct next week. Ayden's bottom chamber of the remaining side of his heart is skipping beats. So they want to put in a pacemaker on Wednesday, June 13. So we will be moving back into Medical City-Childrens Dallas. LOOK OUT NURSES!!! I will continue to try to update here and on facebook as well.
This is from his last visit to Dr. Kao (cardiologist). He looks so grown up here. After this visit we were not even on the freeway yet when Dr. Kao called my cell phone and asked us to turn around. She was reviewing Ayden's EKG and ECHO and said the down beats (missed beats) that was in his lower chamber.
She wanted to make sure that it was something that was always happening and not just a fluke so she
put him on a 24 hour monitor. He wasn't the most excited about it but was a good sport.
After this 24 hour test it was confirmed that we would be going back in for a pace maker. The Pace maker should be able to keep his beats on track.
We took a trip to go see Granni last month in Houston.
Also it was my sister-in-law's birthday so of course we had to do some celebrating!
Is it just me or does she look really grown-up here?
This has never happened before. Our family became apart of the western crowd. We had a wedding to go to and the wedding theme was very western so we played the part. Even Travis went and bought boots for this and he is wearing my Great Uncle Clyde's cowboy hat. Makayla also got herself a new pair of boots too and she liked them so much I've caught her wearing them again a time or too.
This is Ayden's Texas Ranger's Ball send by a very good friend of mine from college. She was actually my room mate for a better part of our freshman year. Her husband plays pro-ball and has several friends on the Ranger's team. During the playoff series he had all the players on the Rangers team sign this baseball just for Ayden. I am in awe of the thought that went into this and the time everyone took out of their day to make this happen. His face lit up light a star when he realized who had all signed this ball and the fact he gets to keep it. We are a very lucky family that has so many friends that love us.
Our Easter picture. We had almost everyone smiling.
Ayden's 5th Birthday. He wanted a Big Game Hunt Birthday party. Everyone was in camo gear!!
A whole lot has happened since I last blogged. AYDEN HAS A GIRL FRIEND!!!
Megan is his new found love and he tells everybody. He even fights with her "real" boy friend Tyler about it.
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